Wednesday, September 8, 2010

this does not belong to you

Last night, a bunch of roadies, interns, and staff members all joined together to celebrate the launch of yet another tour for Invisible Children. After our meals were eaten & our desserts enjoyed, we sat & listened to Jason Russel, Jolly Okot & Ben Keesey - 3 of the leaders of IC.

Jason read us a snippet of the book "The Vision" about youth fighting for something bigger than themselves - almost a discharge into the unknown. We are all about to embark on a journey that will bring us to higher places, lower wells & deeper knowledge. In this we will fight for truth when fatigue tells us that we are fake. We will seek justice when weariness tells us to cut corners.

I do not know where my life will go from here. I don't know what I'll learn through all of this. I don't know what struggles I'll face & eventually overcome - but I do know that the people of Northern Ugandan will be spoken for by not just us westerners, but their own brothers & sisters & friends. I do not go on this journey to advocate my life, but I go for my friends in Africa who have faced struggles, hardships, terror, pain & suffering. Through this work that all of us roadies do, we will all find joy, triumph, happiness, wisdom, and love. And unlike the former, these things are permanent.

Friends - help me to remember this: "servanthood is the place where you find most joy. With every accolade & compliment you receive - kneel down before God everyday & give them to him. Because they do not belong to you. They belong to the orphans, the widows, and to Jesus."

More to come...


Anonymous said...

your words are deep and true. i believe in you and im fighting for you

Constantly Amazed... said...

Megan,I am so excited for you and that you are experiencing this! Praying for you!